Greetings from The Millennial Environmentalists. This is an invitation for you to be part of a fundraising and restoration project dubbed "The Hummingbird Awards". As we all know, more individuals have become aware of the devastating effects of climate change and are actively taking mitigative measures to combat the same. However, their stories are not shared widely to help them network and influence more people to join the course. The Hummingbird institution Awards by T.M.E recognizes these individuals and institutions by providing a platform for them to create partnerships and make their work known to the world. The aim is to award environmentalists from all over the country with seedlings, seed balls and any other necessary support to enable them continue with the good work. The awards are open to individuals, schools, churches and organizations.
April 1, 2024 05:04 to May 25, 2024 18:05
Voting closes in:



Kwansma Whitley Jedidah

My focus is on how ecosystems should be studied and protected and how technology can help ensure a greener future. The importance of environmental sustainability can have a significant impact on the fight against the climate crisis. In terms of using technology, our Gen Z spends most time on the social media platforms, given an opportunity to use it to spread the word on how we should plant more trees or have a clean up every weekend or twice in a month would go a long way as a mitigation method in our country.



For Friendly environmental world


Walter's Wildlife Discussions

Lake Naivasha south lake , karaghita beach, one of the Ramser site , fish breeding site and an IBA area has been facing a lot of habitat destruction by the human activities and the lake water inflax, there's a key problem to the aquatic organisms like the Crayfish, Long-tailed cormorant, Egyptian goose and the carp species of fish, the ghost nets contributing to higher negative influence because they are abandoned by the illegal fishermen. Thi is the reason why I choose this area to be my scope of concern to educate and clean the lake's environ by educating and cleaning up the waste and weigh them and recycle the bottles and burn the other waste in support from Crescent island Game sanctuary. I believe when opportunity is granted to me ..this will reach another phase of conservation


Orina Dominic

IMPROVING COMMUNITY NUTRITION THROUGH INNOVATIVE GARDENING PRACTICES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. - The Project is about impacting the school going children with skills and techniques of growing organic, healthy vegetables and fruits for home consumption and for sale. -The project involves school going children whom after being trained on vegetable and fruits gardening, they are allowed to set up a demonstration farm at the school through the guidance of their teacher Mr Orina Dominic. -They are also issued with seedlings to cascade the same to their households where they go and plant the fruits and vegetables. - Hidden hunger is a major health concern in Sub-Saharan Africa which results from micronutrients deficiency thus involving children in finding a solution for this problem not only makes them health champions through sound and safe nutrition but also ensures sustainability of the programme. - Global warming is another big challenge facing the world, children have the opportunity to be environmental champions through the kind of agricultural practices they involve in their gardening. They use organic manure and organic ways of controlling pests as away of environmental conservation. They also use recycled materials like sacks and containers to grow their fruits and vegetables. -The surplus fruits and vegetables are used to earn an income therefore creating economic empowerment in the community. -The programme is also meant to help in attitude and behaviour change with regards to consumption of vegetables and fruits in a community that previously has not been growing them. ●Goal and objectives of the project 1) Overall Objectives; Promote Social, Economic, Technological and Industrial Needs for personal and National Development. 2) Specific Objectives; Participate actively in agriculture activities for environmental conservation and use scarce agricultural activities through innovative gardening practices to contribute towards Nutrition and Food Security in our country Kenya.


Khloe Olive Mumo

She is a 10 year old girl,in Nairobi primary.she started out as a model and won several titles like Little miss Kenya ,Machakos County and Africa Kid model under 9 years.she then decided to put her titles to work and environment was the way to go.she started the Khloe green Initiative which sort to bring children from the slums( Mathare and Korogocho)together to plant trees and teach them on their importance as well about the environment.Through this she was awarded the  green kids award under 10 years.Afterwards she launched a school edition  which sorts to plant trees in primary schools.This program was launched in her school Nairobi primary where she planted 500 trees and seedballs and also started an environmental club 

She plans to reach more children through the school edition, teaching them on the importance of planting trees as well as launching environmental clubs in schools that don't have.

Go green , breath Clean .is her slogan.


The Youthing Magazine

I advocate for a sustainable future through planting of trees, clean ups and writing articles that make young people take action in grassroot levels. I am also the founder of The Youthing Magazine, a platform where we cover impactful stories that helps in championing for climate action. I have been involved in planting of trees in Mau forest (we planted over 2000 trees towards the end of 2023). Together with my team at The Youthing Magazine, we are invited to join the nationwide tree planting on 21st March 2024. I find joy in contributing to the society through such activities knowing that am creating a better environment for the generations to come.


Sasha Chepkoech Ngeny

For close to two years now, Sasha has been a green ambassador and climate enthusiast. She is a Grade one Pupil with passion on climate change and environmental conservation for green jobs. With other local leaders in her county of Uasin Gishu, Sasha has managed to plant more than 10,000 trees both for commercial and greenhouse gases mitigation. Sasha draws her passion and inspiration from her parents especially her mother whose rigor and vigor for sustainable developed is unmatched. Sasha owns a tree nursery bed with more than 100,000 seedlings under vijana umoja pamoja foundation where biodegradable milk packets are used as potting bags and For the past six months now, Sasha has gathered children of her age and younger to participate in dialogue for sustainable green development. She has held roundtable discussions and engaged in activities with them that promote sustainable development. The idea is to create a strong force of young children dubbed “The Green Armies”.



I was born in a rural areas in central Kenya where there was a lot of natural resources such as forest and a river.With time people start to cut down trees at a very highly rate, after sometimes we started facing prolonged drought that when I realized the need of conserving our environment.I started planting trees with assist from my father.I would water them each and every day after school. My passion on conservation continued to grow at it became a God calling duty.When joining university i decided to pursue environment studies and community Development.In have been in front line in climate action initiative such as beach clean up, mangrove restoration, environment education and waste management.

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