Greetings from The Millennial Environmentalists. This is an invitation for you to be part of a fundraising and restoration project dubbed "The Hummingbird Awards". As we all know, more individuals have become aware of the devastating effects of climate change and are actively taking mitigative measures to combat the same. However, their stories are not shared widely to help them network and influence more people to join the course. The Hummingbird institution Awards by T.M.E recognizes these individuals and institutions by providing a platform for them to create partnerships and make their work known to the world. The aim is to award environmentalists from all over the country with seedlings, seed balls and any other necessary support to enable them continue with the good work. The awards are open to individuals, schools, churches and organizations.
April 1, 2024 05:04 to May 25, 2024 18:05
Voting closes in:



HUGs (Hardiness Unearths Great Success)

Hardiness Unearth Great Success(HUGs) is an organization whose main objective is to reduce stigma on mental illness by increasing mental health awareness. We also focus on developmental trajectory through organizing workshops and outreach programs


Living Bamboo Africa.

Living Bamboo Africa prioritizes environmental sustainability by leveraging bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable resource. Through initiatives like bamboo cultivation, reforestation, and product development, we aim to mitigate deforestation, soil erosion, and carbon emissions. By promoting bamboo-based products such as construction materials, and household goods, the enterprise reduces reliance on resource-intensive alternatives like wood or plastic. Additionally, we foster local economies by creating jobs in bamboo cultivation, processing, and manufacturing, thereby promoting economic stability while preserving ecosystems. Overall, the enterprise embodies a holistic approach to environmental conservation, sustainable development, and community empowerment through bamboo utilization.



Our primary focus at Goal Quest Foundation is environmental conservation through tree planting. By planting trees, we aim to mitigate climate change, restore ecosystems, combat deforestation and promote biodiversity. Through this initiative, we strive to create a greener, healthier planet for current and future generations.



As YTICA (Young Theologians Initiative for Climate Action), our environmental focus revolves around empowering schools and communities to take action on climate change through three main pillars: climate education, tree planting initiatives, and curriculum development. Firstly, we prioritize climate education by providing comprehensive training programs for schools and communities. These programs aim to increase awareness and understanding of climate change, its impacts, and potential solutions. Through interactive workshops, seminars, and educational materials, we equip educators, students, and community leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to address climate-related challenges effectively. By fostering a deeper understanding of environmental issues, we empower individuals to become advocates for sustainable practices and agents of change within their communities. Secondly, our tree planting initiatives play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. We organize tree planting events in schools and communities, engaging participants of all ages in hands-on conservation efforts. These initiatives not only help to restore ecosystems and combat deforestation but also provide educational opportunities for participants to learn about the importance of trees in mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, and improving air quality. By encouraging active participation in tree planting activities, we foster a sense of environmental stewardship and inspire individuals to take tangible steps towards building a greener future. Lastly, we focus on climate curriculum development to integrate climate education into formal education systems effectively. We collaborate with educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers to design and implement climate-focused curricula that align with academic standards and address the unique needs of diverse learners. Our curriculum development efforts aim to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, hands-on learning experiences, and real-world applications to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to navigate complex environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable development. By integrating climate education into school curricula, we aim to institutionalize environmental literacy and empower future generations to become informed and engaged global citizens.



Our environmental philosophy is centered on the innovative usage of banana fibers in the production of sanitary pads. Using this renewable resource, we efficiently repurposes agricultural waste that would otherwise go to waste while also producing a biodegradable product. Compared to traditional pads made of synthetic materials, which frequently contribute to plastic pollution and environmental degradation, this sustainable method greatly lowers the environmental impact. Additionally, Our pads are carefully produced to be free of chemicals and artificial fragrances. This dedication to employing natural substances reduces the amount of hazardous chemicals released into the environment while also ensuring the health and wellbeing of users. we exhibits their commitment to environmentally and health-conscious procedures by giving priority to the removal of potentially dangerous chemicals. Beyond just creating cutting-edge products, our mission to empower women in Africa and end period poverty is in line with larger environmental objectives. We lessens the environmental impact of traditional menstruation products while simultaneously improving menstrual hygiene management by making inexpensive, eco-friendly sanitary goods accessible. In addition to promoting social justice and economic sustainability, this all-encompassing strategy lessens the negative environmental effects of menstruation. Additionally, our actively addresses plastic waste by promoting environmentally friendly substitutes for conventional menstruation products. This is part of our role as climate activists. Our production of biodegradable sanitary pads helps to promote the shift to a circular economy and lessens the pollution caused by plastic. We exhibits a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and a vision for a more sustainable future through our advocacy work and sustainable product offers. In summary, Our/ or rather my environmental approach incorporates social empowerment, health-conscious product design, sustainable material sourcing, and campaigning for reducing plastic waste. Together with my company we are demonstrating how social impact and environmental sustainability may be skillfully combined to create a more sustainable future that is also more equitable for all.


Eneza Imani community

Eneza Imani Community Shelter and Rescue Center prioritizes environmental stewardship as a core component of its mission. Through initiatives like recycling waste materials and organizing monthly clean-up efforts involving the community, stakeholders, and government institutions, the center aims to foster a cleaner and healthier environment for all residents. By actively engaging local businesses in waste management education, the center seeks to promote sustainable practices and reduce environmental impact. Ultimately, their goal is to create a collaborative environment where everyone plays a part in preserving the town's natural beauty and enhancing the quality of life for its inhabitants.


Kiasili Farm

Kiasili Farm is a Digital Marketplace for Kiasili Foods - Indigenous and Traditional Food Crops. At Kiasili, we are mainstreaming agrobiodiversity for sustainable food systems the benefits of Indigenous and traditional foods crops (ITFCs) in enabling more sustainable and equitable food systems and farm management while working to close the gender and wage gap in the systems. Our unique business model will provide cutting-edge technological farming protocols and innovations and logistics that are revolutionizing farming and creating an end-to-end digital marketplace that enables global industries to source indigenous foods from all over the world using IoT, big data and block chain technology. Kiasili Nature is an initiative that is run by Kiasili Farm that promotes physical and mental well-being and rallies the masses to take climate action. The initiative has two projects currently running. The first being the involvement of the consumers and major hospitality players that include Talisman Restaurant and Diani Reef Hotel in composting organic food waste and channeling the same to our farmers for use as organic, clean, natural fertilizer thus reducing the use of harmful, chemical-based synthetic fertilizers. The second project involves a plastic waste collection initiative with Mr. Green Africa where Kiasili sets up plastic waste collection points in our residential estates and other business premises for recycling thus reducing the domestic plastic waste; which is estimated to be 10-12% of the total waste in Kenya.


Utonga Ecosystems

Utonga Ecosystems is the owner/manager of Utonga Nature Conservancy situated within the Utonga Peninsula of Kenya's Lake Victoria. We are the 1st conservancy in Siaya County and the only conservancy with a lakefront Arboretum. Our vision is to be the most recognised and respected nature conservancy & hospitality address on Lake Victoria. We host a unique biodiversity of dense indigenous flora, mammals and birdlife (some endangered eg. Papyrus Canary and Giant Pangolin) that we are committed to preserve and protect against poachers, timber & charcoal traders and illegal fishing trollers. This conservancy has been earmarked to be the designated breeding sanctuary for the nationally endangered Sitatunga Wetlands Antelope. Complimenting the peninsula unique flora; UNC has ambitions to host a the only regional herbarium in Western Kenya (if we can secure strategic partnerships). Our initiaitives are anchored on 3 pillars that direct our interventions namely; 1. conservation & climate Action, 2. Agroforestry & Social enterprises, 3. Cultures & Heritage. We work within learning institutions (primary, secondary, TVETs & Universities) by establishing enviro-clubs and showcasing the conservancy as reference for research & education thru immersion - we have currently 300 primary students under our wings aged 10-14 we are influencing to be environmental ambassadors - in our primary school agenda, we have a 5-year renewal energy/agroforestry program that we launched in schools that aims to eradicate use of firewood as cooking fuel. Our conservation CBO is primary instrument to engage the general public Beyond the conservancy we advocate and initiate for lake water habitat conservation and reforestation. In the next 10 year we shall transform the Utonga Peninsula to be know as the most active conservation address on Lake Victoria.


Local ocean turtle conservation

Conservation is a loving thing I will forever do in my entire. Most focused part is community outreach and education awareness part . I personally love interacting with people and work with them hand in hand. Restoration of trees , participating in environmental cleanups and be keen on the matters of climate change and how it has affected the biodiversity. From my previous experience in three different Conservation organisation I have been more to fields of community outreach and education awareness. I volunteered to work freely for two weeks at a second school as an environmental officer educating those students on the importance of environmental and the creatures living in it. I also visited three schools and community during my volunteer at A rocha Kenya empowering your girls and women who faced alot of challenges concerning there health when they're yet to receive their monthly periods they lack sanitary towels which was the biggest issues and we managed to solve it.


Ambassadors Of Nature Kenya

Creating a reading culture focused on climate change mitigation is a multifaceted approach that leverages the power of knowledge dissemination, critical thinking, and behavioral change. At its core, this strategy seeks to educate and empower individuals to understand the complexities of climate change and inspire them to take meaningful action. Firstly, fostering a reading culture entails promoting access to a diverse range of materials on climate change, including scientific reports, books, articles, and educational resources. By providing easily accessible and comprehensible information, individuals can deepen their understanding of climate science, the drivers of climate change, and the potential solutions available. Secondly, reading promotes critical thinking and analytical skills, enabling individuals to evaluate the validity of different perspectives on climate change. This includes understanding the role of various stakeholders, such as governments, corporations, and civil society, in addressing climate change and discerning between credible information and misinformation. Moreover, reading can evoke empathy and emotional engagement with the impacts of climate change, both globally and locally. Personal narratives, case studies, and literature depicting the human and environmental consequences of climate change can resonate deeply with readers, motivating them to advocate for change and support mitigation efforts. Furthermore, a reading culture can foster a sense of community and collective responsibility around climate change mitigation. Book clubs, discussion forums, and educational events centered on climate-related literature can provide opportunities for individuals to share insights, experiences, and ideas for action, fostering collaboration and solidarity. Lastly, reading can inspire innovation and creativity in developing solutions to mitigate climate change. By exploring diverse perspectives and imagining alternative futures through literature and other forms of storytelling, individuals can cultivate a mindset of innovation and problem-solving, essential for addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change. In summary, promoting a reading culture focused on climate change mitigation is a powerful strategy for educating, inspiring, and mobilizing individuals to take action. By enhancing knowledge, critical thinking, empathy, community engagement, and innovation, this approach can contribute to building a more informed, empowered, and resilient society capable of effectively addressing the climate crisis.


Stewardship for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (SEES )

Stewardship for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (SEES) focus to mitigate the effect of climate change on communities through the implementation of diverse environmental management projects which include reforestation, afforestation, environmental research, community education on environmental care and management, public awareness campaign, disaster responds, poverty alleviation, advocacy, biogas, renewable energy, carbon offsets, community mobilisation, climate smart agriculture, sensitization, information dissemination, monitoring, evaluation reporting, fish farming and bee keeping as alternative to charcoal burning business. We have empowerment programmes for women and youth. We have established a tree nursery plantation for distribution to the needy and vulnerable communities to curb deforestation in rural communities and behaviour change to reduce environmental degradation.


Worldview Institute

The World View Institute (Zambia) is committed to promoting sustainable environmental practices as part of our mission to foster personal and national mindset change. Aligned with our core values of integrity and professionalism, we aim to contribute positively to society through advocacy, education, training, and partnerships, including environmental initiatives. Our environmental focus encompasses education, awareness, tree planting, carbon reduction, support for renewable energy, and advocacy for environmental stewardship. Through these efforts, we aim to educate individuals and communities about the importance of environmental conservation, empower them to make informed choices, and actively contribute to mitigating climate change. Education and Awareness: We conduct advocacy campaigns, educational programs, and training workshops to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. By educating people about the interconnectedness of human actions and environmental outcomes, we inspire them to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors. Tree Planting and Carbon Reduction: We engage in tree planting initiatives to combat deforestation, enhance biodiversity, and sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Through partnerships with local communities and organizations, we contribute to the restoration of degraded landscapes and promote environmental resilience. Support for Renewable Energy and Climate Change Initiatives: We provide technical support to community-based organizations and social enterprises involved in renewable energy and climate change initiatives. By sharing expertise and resources, we empower these initiatives to contribute to the transition towards clean, sustainable energy sources and climate resilience. Advocacy for Environmental Stewardship: We advocate for policies and practices that promote environmental stewardship and sustainable development. Through partnerships with government agencies, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders, we work to influence decision-making processes and promote environmentally responsible policies. In summary, WVIL is dedicated to promoting sustainable environmental lifestyles and contributing to the preservation of our natural world. Through our holistic approach to advocacy, education, training, and partnerships, we seek to inspire positive change and empower individuals and communities to become stewards of the environment.

Kaddra Farm Inc

I strive to contribute to a sustained improvement of living conditions, stability, Health , economic development and education in the rural population of five communities in the Gbinleh Dixia and Tonko Limba chiefdom in Kambia District. The organzation is design to power and build the capacity of 500 peasent farmers in ths five commuities, supporting them to produce enough to increase and sustain food production in the region to a level at which basic food neceddities become affordable, available and accessible. The purpose behind this is activity driven and the purpose of these activities is to educate, strenghten capacity and raise the standard of living. It is also a fact about fighting againt hunger and poverty. The organzation (Kaddra Farm Inc) is looking for investment partner(s) seeking to impprove the lives of people.


Amazon Theatrix Ensemble

Amazon Theatrix Ensemble is a a youth led Community Based Organization For Awareness Creation and Advocacy to Communities through Performing Arts and Media offering Platform for youths to Cultivate and Develop their potential by becoming creative changemakers in the Community. We employ the Use Of an Innovative and Creative approach in Artivism arts for social change in amplifying voices of Communities in relation to Environmental Conservation focusing on Wetland Restoration Sensitization, Afforestation, Clean Energy, Water and Sanitation,Water Management and Conservation of Grey Crown Crane. Since Inception Amazon Theatrix Ensemble has been part of the Kisumu Green Network Consortium that brings together state and Non-State Actors in Environmental Work leveraging on performing arts and media as a tool for Development in Creating Awareness and Educating Communities on Environment.


Kijiji kwetu

I am deeply passionate about the environment, particularly biodiversity conservation and climate innovation, specifically renewable energy. Biodiversity is the cornerstone of our ecosystems, providing us with clean air, water, and fertile soil, and supporting agriculture, medicine, and tourism. However, our actions, especially climate change and habitat destruction, have caused a rapid loss of biodiversity, leading to accelerated species extinction rates. To combat this, I advocate for conservation efforts, sustainable management of resources, and the protection of natural areas. Renewable energy, on the other hand, is a critical solution to combating climate change. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, produce little or no pollution or greenhouse gases. These technologies have the potential to drastically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition us to a more sustainable future. I'm particularly excited about innovations in solar panels, wind turbines, energy storage, and smart grid technologies, which are making renewable energy more accessible and efficient. To make a real impact, it's crucial to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and advocate for supportive policies at all levels of government. By promoting sustainable practices, supporting renewable energy adoption, and conserving biodiversity hotspots, we can create a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations. It's a collective effort that requires the participation of individuals, businesses, and governments alike. I'm committed to raising awareness about these issues and working towards a more sustainable future.



Mazingira Yetu Magazine is an Environmental Education magazine first published in December 2012 by Mazingira Yetu Organisation. It’s registered with the Kenya Copy Rights Board and the Registrar of books and Newspapers and it's a member of the International Union of Conservation of Nature-Commission of Education and Communication. The magazine is is published in English language on a quarterly basis. The e-copy is available via our website while hard copies are available on order. The magazine is is now on it's 23rd edition under a 'climate crisis theme'. Previous editions had themes such as the plastic Question and Restoring Urban Rivers among others. Mazingira yetu magazine main objective is to educate the public on matters environment in a simple way by sharing experiences and testimonials of Environmental practitioners, policy makers, youth and women, Government and Non government organisations and enterprises.


Center For Community Enhancement Cameroon

We focus on the conservation of marine ecosystems and biodiversity in general. Some of our may jobs center around combating plastic pollution. We carry out campaigns against single use plastics by community sensitization and awareness raising, rivers and beach clean ups all in a bit to stop excessive quantities of plastics from entering the sea. Our focus is to protect marine life and safe delicate species like the sea turtle and different sea animals. We equally do online webinars, and I have even hosted the wind summit last year funded by Planeteer Alliance. The aim was to educate youths of our country on the blue economy, what it is and how young people can get involve and make a positive impact. We also are into climate change education. My passion for environmental protection led me to start up climate programs in school s where we established in schools orchards, planting fruit trees on campus which will serve both as food for students then it will also help to extract CO2 from the sky.


Climate Clock DRC

We had doing climate advocacy, Street march, Workshops, seminars on renewables energy


Wote youth development project

My environmental focus encompasses a broad range of critical issues. Climate change advocacy involves raising awareness about the causes and impacts of climate change and advocating for solutions to mitigate its effects. Clean water for all addresses the need for access to safe and clean drinking water, essential for human health and well-being. Smart agriculture involves using technology and sustainable practices to optimize agricultural production while minimizing environmental impact. Biodiversity conservation aims to protect and preserve the variety of life on Earth, recognizing its importance for ecosystem stability and human survival. Based on my location in Laikipia county, my focus also includes addressing local environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development within my community. Link to video showcasing my work:



Lydia Nyawira Mburia is a seasoned EIAs & SEAs Associate Expert duly registered by NEMA. She proactively engages with youth in primary and secondary schools, TVETS & Universities in matters Education for Sustainable Development. Moreover, she involves communities via public participation to undertake Cluster Development Approach for Sustainable Development & Environmental Sustainability. She always seeks to collaborate, network, liaise & learn from like-minded seasoned environmental sustainability experts in Kenya & globally. She has always participated in the UNEA Conferences, NEMA environmental sustainability related events as well as UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network in initiating, implementing environmental sustainability projects.


Maasai mara green community base organizations

Our focus is to enable community to plant more indigenous tree and stand resilience to protect natural historical habitat because most of our societies have been distracted environment accordingly. so the aims of our movements as community to mobilize all people in Kenya to join the government orders of planting fifteen billion trees before twenty thirty two.


Drylands natural resource centre

Afforestation and reforestation in the aspect of agronomy so as to combat climate change while benefiting from it and protecting mother nature.





Sincraft environmental conservation association

We as an environmentalist we are focused on conserving the environment through science, innovation and simple technologies that are easy to adopt


Isisa Limited

Isisa Limited is an innovation and technology developer.


BioSeed Initiative

Our environmental focus revolves around the BioSeed Initiative, a grassroots project aimed at biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture. Through collaborative efforts with local communities, we establish community-managed seed banks, serving as repositories for indigenous plant species vital for biodiversity conservation. These seed banks empower local farmers to collect, preserve, and exchange native seeds, safeguarding genetic diversity and ensuring resilient agricultural practices. The BioSeed Initiative promotes the cultivation of indigenous crops, enhancing food security and climate resilience within rural communities. By providing training in agroecological farming techniques, we empower communities to cultivate climate-resilient crops suited to local conditions. The initiative fosters sustainable livelihoods by supporting community-based initiatives that align with sustainable development principles. Our focus extends beyond mere environmental conservation to encompass community empowerment, resilience, and sustainable development. Through partnerships with local NGOs, government agencies, and other stakeholders, the BioSeed Initiative aims to scale up its impact across Kenya. By amplifying the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture, we contribute to addressing environmental challenges while fostering community development and resilience in Kenya.


St.Joseph's Technical Training Institute For The Deaf Nyan'oma

Afforestation and Reforestation Afforestation involves planting trees in areas where there were none previously, while reforestation involves restoring areas that were once forested. These activities are crucial for mitigating climate change, as trees absorb carbon dioxide, provide habitat for wildlife, and prevent soil erosion. My efforts in afforestation and reforestation has contributed to increasing forest cover, restoring degraded ecosystems, and preserving biodiversity .Under my lead ,we have planted 2700 trees and distributed 2100 to the public Climate-Smart Agriculture Climate-smart agriculture integrates sustainable farming practices that enhance resilience to climate change while promoting food security and livelihoods. By implementing climate-smart agricultural techniques such as conservation agriculture, agroforestry, and rainwater harvesting, we are not only improving soil health and water management but also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to changing climatic conditions.We have carried out numerous trainings to farmers in Siaya county and a significant number has adopted the innovations Environmental Literacy Environmental literacy is essential for raising awareness, fostering understanding, and inspiring action on environmental issues.My focus on environmental literacy involves educating individuals and communities about the importance of biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, and climate change mitigation. By promoting environmental literacy, you empower people to make informed decisions and adopt environmentally friendly behaviors in their daily lives.I have reached 13 primary schools,8 secondary schools,7 public barazas and currently visiting tvet institutions with the same training As the Greening Champion in a TVET institution tasked with ensuring the achievement of the presidential directive to plant 15 billion trees, my role is pivotal. I serve as a catalyst for environmental action, mobilizing students, staff, and stakeholders to participate in tree planting initiatives, environmental education programs, and sustainable practices on campus and in surrounding communities. My leadership and advocacy efforts are instrumental in driving forward the national agenda for environmental conservation and sustainable developmen


Peace Ambassadors Integration Organization

Peace Ambassadors Integration Organization (PAMBIO) is a national youth focused and youth managed peace building and youth empowerment organization. It works to build the capacity of communities for peaceful interactions by enhancing commitment to peaceful relations, ethical behavior and respect for one another.

We are currently implementing seven projects under our unique program titled Peace Ambassadors Kenya (PAK) Program: Mobilizing, Organizing, Empowering, Engaging, and Celebrating Kenya Youth


Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative

Abdulhamid Tahir Hamid is a dedicated advocate for environmental conservation and youth empowerment. As President of the African Union Commission Great Green Wall Youth Advisory Board (AU GGWI YAB), he mobilizes young people across Africa to combat climate change and desertification. Serving as CEO of the Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative (GECCI), he leads global efforts to promote sustainability. As Chairperson of the Youth Climate Council Nigeria, Abdulhamid advocates for youth engagement in climate action at the national level. Recently joining the Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (YoU-CAN) as a Project Assistant Volunteer, he contributes his expertise to support global climate initiatives, aiming to make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change.

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